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3.641 student jobs, internships and graduate jobs

StuderendeOnline: Your future career starts here!

StuderendeOnline is a Danish job and career portal for students of higher educations. We offer student jobs with direct relevance to your studies, study internships, graduate and trainee jobs for fresh grads and study and masters projects. We offer advice to handle your economy as a student and provide you with access to one of the largests scholarship and grants database online. Welcome!

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Today: 975 student jobs / 785 internships / 23 study projects / 166 graduate jobs

Join us! A career profile will grant you access to latest career offers - and make you visible to your future employers.

And, when your education is complete, you can simply use your profile to log into and immediatelly get access to fresh jobs for graduates! Easy, no?

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Low on cash? Apply for a grant and get economical support during your studies.